Izzy Rider Type 2


$1,645.00 USD

As with most of our Bing signature models, the designs evolve as the rider continues to test his model over time. As Israel spent more time with the original Izzy Rider he worked back and forth with Matt on design changes that better suited his approach to logging. After more than a years' worth of research the new Izzy Rider Type 2 has come to fruition.

The most obvious change was the elimination of the step deck in the tail that was originally inspired by our Silver Spoon model. They also worked with various outline and rocker modifications and the other noticeable change was the removal of the hard edge on the tail.

Israel and our new team rider and fellow surfer Miguel Sinclair from Sayulita Mexico came to California to spend time with Matt, and together they put the new model through the paces and were able to finalize the last details and changes to perfect the result. Once Miguel rode the final version he claimed, "it was magic".

Matt Calvani:

"The new Izzy Rider Type 2 is best described as a blend between the Elevator nose template and rocker without the step deck and a refined tail rocker and bottom contour. The basic tail template and rails in the center were basically left the same.

It is not designed to 'point and trim', the board likes to be pushed and placed in critical areas of the wave. It is fast and responsive, allowing smooth turns and full carves back into the pocket to a set up for a solid noseride. I feel the new Izzy Type 2 is a board that can take your traditional longboarding skill to another level."

Miguel Sinclair:

"I find that the Type 2 Izzy rider offers a perfect blend between locked in noseriding stability and a very playful yet effortless control from the tail."

1/2" Darkwood stringer

#551 Blue Tint Bottom/ Spray deck




single box

fiberglass fin inc.